Fortune 100 Enterprise Data Center
Storm Resistant Structure Over Mechanical Yard
Project Type: General Contractor
Location: Olathe, KS
Date: July 2016
Scope of Work
SiTESPAN acted as the General Contractor to construction a storm (high wind and projectile) resistant protective lid, over the mechanical yard of a certified Tier IV data center.

Project Detail
Given that the data center was already existing, there was a heavy population of underground conduit in the mechanical yard. The foundations for the new structure were piers, to be drilled down to limestone layers, and socketed into the rock. The excavation for these footings was accomplished completely with vacuum excavation techniques.
Protection of existing facilities and operation of the cooling towers were the primary concerns of the client, for this project. MOPs were refined to modify the sequence of the cooling towers, to correlate with the overhead activities. This change in sequence, and physical protection of the cooling towers, allowed for smooth operation of the facility, during construction.